Sunday, September 21, 2008

Reception Pictures (wedding post #5)

my mom was in charge of the table for the candy favors that they gave to the guests as they left.  I think it turned out kind of cute.  Except that my sister and I watched 2 ladies just scoop candy into their pockets and sleeves and mouth and then run out as fast as they could waddle.  And the rest of the candy was consumed by about 12 different little nieces and nephews (including 3 of which were my little darlings)  Oh well.
And the lady with my brother is his kindergarten teacher and long time family friend, Candy Belliston.


missliss5/Melissa said...

Sweet cake! And cute candy jars. And I'm glad you didn't recognize me in disguise as I ran out with my pockets full of those jelly beans. :)

Leslie said...

You guys did a great job. Everything looks so perfect!!