Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pleasant Valley Days

I know everyone is thinking "enough of the Scofield posts". But this is my favorite...
Every summer on the first weekend of July there is an event called Pleasant Valley Days. Pleasant Valley is the name for the area where Scofield Ressevoir is located and included the towns of Scofield and Clear Creek. In the 2000 census the population of Scofield was 28. However, on the weekend of Pleasant Valley Days, the population jumps to about 28,000.
We have been participating in the festivities for several years now and the fun just keeps getting better and better. There are vendors (think of Swiss Days on a slightly smaller scale), parade, Little Miss Pleasant Valley pageant, a spaghetti dinner, a fundraiser breakfast, an auction, a raffle, a talent competition, a dance and fireworks to name a few.
Summer and Sierra have inherited a slightly competitive personality from one or more of their parents and have spent the last several months preparing for competition.
Sierra chose to play the piano for the Little Miss Pleasant Valley Days (ages 8 to 12).
here is her performance...
Summer decided to enter the pageant as well. However, she and Sierra didn't want to be competing against each other so Summer entered the older age group (ages 13 to 18) even though she will be 12 for another month. The song she chose to sing is Regina Spektor from the movie Prince Caspian.

Both girls won first place in their age division. (good thing they didn't have to compete against each other.) And if that wasn't competition enough, Summer also chose to enter the talent show the following day. It was open to all ages (the youngest was a 4 year old tap dancing boy and the oldest was a 40 something singer/songwriter from mapleton). There was an audition during the day. Then the top 10 contestants competed in front of the crowd on Saturday evening.
Summer sang an Ingrid Michaelson song that she has been working on. It was originally written for the ukelele. Summer transposed the music to the guitar by herself.
I am proud to say that Summer won first place and $125. Please thank Tony Basso in Price for supplying the prize money which Summer is contemplating using to purchase a new guitar. It was a super fun weekend.
(Too bad I didn't have my camera to take pictures of the festivities. Luckily the girls had remembered a video camera!!)

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