Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Eye Spy

This is Cole in his bed last night. I opened the door to check on him and I panicked. I couldn't see him. I did a huge double take and spotted him down at the far end of the crib. I love the crib. It's the only place I can put Cole and know that he's safe enough for me to take a shower. He has only fallen/jumped out twice and I think he's still afraid of the fall. This is all good because I was beginning to worry that he's getting too big to stay in the crib much longer, but after seeing this sleeping position I'm assured that there is still PLENTY of room to sleep in the crib for many, many more months. I can now rest assured that I will still be able to shower and not stink out the neighborhood with my lack of showering for at least a few more months and maybe until Cole starts Kindergarten. Cross your fingers on that one!
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missliss5/Melissa said...

Hahaha! I so love cribs when kids think they are stuck. I am in SHOCK, though, with how busy your little guy is that he still stays in there??!!! A small piece of sanity---yahoo! My Jessica crawled out at one and a half and had to go into a big girl bed. That was so not cool since Veronica was in a crib until 2 1/2 or later.

Kristine said...

It must have been the camo pjs, & where are the tractors?