Monday, January 28, 2008

1910-2008 Gordon B. Hinckley

We were at our back yard neighbor's house last night when we found out that our beloved Prophet, President Hinckley had passed away. At first we were shocked and then I felt happiness because now he is with Marjorie again and having a glorious reunion with his Savior. President Hinckley has been our Prophet since just before Rick and I were married (which seems like forever). He is certainly the only Prophet that my children know. I grew up with President Kimball, then it was President Benson when I was in high school/college. President Hunter was the Prophet when Rick and I were dating and it was he who admonished all members of the Church to be worthy of a temple recommend. I was preparing to be married in the temple as my mom and dad were also preparing to go to the temple to be sealed as a family. And then President Hinckley was the Prophet. I remember when we lived in Kirksville and we had the Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Nauvoo Temple. Even on serious occasions President Hinckley can have a sense of humor. I'm glad that my girls have such a wonderful man to look up to and remember as "their" Prophet when they were young. As we talked to the girls last night as we drove home, they were sad at first. I told them that it was okay because President Hinckley was getting old and he was looking forward to being with his wife again. And I told them not to worry that because of the organization of the Church, everything will be taken care of. President Hinckley will be honored this week and then after his funeral, the other leaders of the Church will meet together at which time they will most likely will name Thomas S. Monson as the 16th Prophet of the Church. He is the senior member and according to tradition will take over the role as Prophet. As we explained this to the girls, I got teary. This is the only time I have cried over the last couple of days, but not tears of sadness, tears of joy. Because I know without a doubt that President Hinckely is a Prophet of God and that he had led this Church for the past 13 years and the Lord has a plan for us and that another equally prepared and worthy Priesthood holder will lead and direct us.

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