Monday, February 9, 2009

soapbox alert...

are you kidding?  again?
Summer had a substitute AGAIN today.  I asked her what they did and she said, "read and play games."
I guess that was better than the last time. 


missliss5/Melissa said...

That is not cool. I do believe being a teacher is one of the most important and difficult jobs around, but PLEASE have a lesson plan ready in case you need one!!!

Galo Fab 5 said...

Honestly. Found out anything better yet? And look at you making cookies. Thanks, they didn't last long. I love those things.

Brandi said...

Hunter did too. I went in to read with a kid in the class and saw a bunch of girls doing cartwheels in the middle of class. I just turned around and went home and got on my blog. I don't even want to think about it.

Amara said...

I can't believe that. Jeez. I wonder if the teacher got sick or something at the last minute? It sounds like the regular teacher's fault to me for not giving an IDEA of what they were working on. They ought to just send the kids home at that point (although the all-day babysitting is nice I guess).