Monday, February 2, 2009

not for the weak...

here is the bionic foot:


missliss5/Melissa said...

Yikes, man! I didn't realize they had to make such a LONG incision!!!!

Kelli said...

Actually there are 2 incisions. The obvious one on the right and the smaller one is between toe 2 and 3 where the toes are slightly parted. That is where the neuroma was and they took out the nerves. And THAT is why I can no longer feel my toes!!

Kelli said...

And the best news: crutches for 3 more weeks!

Leslie said...

ahh that gave me the heebies. But it looks pretty good considering what that poor foot has been through.

Jacobson Five said...

Looks like fun. Okay not really. Hope you are doing well.

Galo Fab 5 said...

You're making me gag. But I can tell you're enjoying the grossness by sharing it with us all. I hope it gets better soon.