Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Go Green

I found some tips on going green so I thought I would post them and then try to do some of them.  Along with my Emergency Preparedness obsession, I have also been preoccupied with Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

 1.  Make foods from scratch.
2.  Buy non-perishable foods that you consume a lot of in bulk.
3.  Make a menu and shop with a list so you don't buy unnecessary items.
4.  Avoid single packaged food or drinks.
5.  Store leftovers in reusable containers.
6.  Pack lunch items in reusable containers rather than plastic bags.
7.  Buy used rather than new when you can.
8.  Take your own drink cup with you to get a drink at Maverick.
9.  Reuse plastic water bottles.
10.  Make your own cleaning products.
11. Use reusable rags, brooms, mops, cloths, etc for cleaning instead of disposable.
12.  Use cloth diapers (Ummm, I don't think so.  I can't do everything right.)
13.  Compost your food waste.
14.  Plant a garden.
15.  Receive and pay bills online.
16. Use reusable shopping bags.


Kristine said...

I love #16. I bought one, or actually it was free with a coupon. It's great especially after I took a whole bulging Target bag full of other plastic bags to be recycled at the grocery store. Not only is it green, but it's heavy duty & won't break like the ones you get from the store. My only problem is remembering to put it back in my car & taking it into the store with me.

Jacobson Five said...

Wow, Kelli good luck with all of that. I just have to take this all one step at a time. I'll start by working on the emergency preparedness. I can't be perfect, yet.