Sunday, January 29, 2012

project 38 (42)

This was a project that I've had in the works for a long time.
The squares were leftover ones I had cut when I made my first quilt for Cole years ago.
They were taking up space and bugging me so I finally sewed them into a square, added the red, and found some brown to go on the back.
I wanted to try to learn how to do machine binding so I tried it out on this project.
It's not the best.
I thought it looked terrible.  It looked much better after it was washed but I could still see the mistakes.
Today I donated it to the Humanitarian Project for our ward.
They are collecting new/gently used blankets for the Women's shelter (?)  
I might not have given this quilt away if it weren't for the project 38 (42).
Even though I can see lots of mistakes in my little red quilt, I'm hoping that it will keep some young boy warm for years and years as the edges wear down and the batting falls apart.
And hopefully nobody will ever care that the binding is crooked and the edges didn't match up.

(another view)

1 comment:

Amara said...

I didn't even see it! I believe the feelings of sacrifice and love go with every donation and have to change something for whoever is benefited. Which makes me donating my kids' stuff without their knowledge seem kind of sick...they did think maybe DI, I didn't steal!