Thursday, December 13, 2007

Playin' Hooky

The girls had a dentist appointment this morning at 9:00. We left the house at 8:45 (to look for the missing cell phone BUT that's another story). The dentist took less than hour. I wanted to go to Target but Sierra is NOT a shopper and Summer voted that because we had Cole and a "non-shopper", Target would not be that much fun. So, we went to Grandma Bette's and ate cookies and watched the cartoon network until 11:00. We waited until 11:00 because that is when Color Me Mine opened. (a ceramic do it your self place where the kids got a gift certificate for Christmas last year.) Summer, Sierra and I pulled up and found a parking spot about 3 miles away. We walked in 17 degree temps to the front of the store to find that the doors were locked. Tight. All 3 doors. No lights on. Another girl was standing off to the side. She had been there for 15 minutes waiting for the place to open because she was hoping to pick up some things that she had made last week to give out as Christmas gifts. Another girl showed up at about 11:20. We all waited until about 11:30, then we decided to go grab some lunch since it was too late to get back to school in time for lunch. Where did we go? Arctic Circle. We like the prices. Hehehe. I called my mom and she said she'd meet us there as soon as she got her hair done. She was going to bring me some things I needed so I thought it was a good place to meet. We ate a small lunch (we are trying to eat healthy) and waited and waited. We ended up working for free for an hour just to have something to do. Even the girls helped. It was kind of fun. Then Mom came and we chatted for about 3 minutes. We had to get Summer back to the last 30 minutes of school. We went back to Grandma Bette's to pick up Cole. He was having fun and Summer decided to go back to CMM and do a project since we had that planned--finally--after having the gift certificate for 50 weeks. I think she was afraid that it would take another 50 weeks to get back. I called this time to make sure someone was there. I happened to mention that we had tried to come earlier, but nobody was there. I think I got someone in trouble. Oooops. We went in and found a project to do. Sierra did a little ladybug jewelry dish with a lady bug lid. Summer did a pink, black and gray plate to go in her future Paris bedroom and I did a blue dish the brown polka dots to use as a ring dish on my shelf in my closet. We had so much fun. The girls want to go back tomorrow. I was kicking myself for not having my camera with me. (I really wish I had a better camera--I sure hope I get one for Christmas.) Our projects will be ready on Tuesday and I will be sure to post some photos of our art. We went back to Grandma Bette's and Cole was taking a nap. We left him with Grandpa and a peanut butter sandwich for when he woke up. And we were off to the mall. We were looking for shirts/sweaters for the upcoming Herlevi Family Photo Shoot. After about an hour Sierra was asking, "Why didn't you tell me we were just going to walk around and look at clothes?" Summer replied, "Sierra, that's what people do when they go to the mall, duh." So typical of both of them. Summer was really upset when we left without anything for her and Sierra was thrilled to death that we were finally leaving. We grabbed Cole and our gear and headed back to Mapleton because it was snowing and because it was almost bedtime. The girls couldn't stop talking on the way home about what we are going to do next time they play hooky. They said it was their "best day ever". I love it when they say that. I can't wait to play hooky again, too.


The Pixton Family said...

You're such a fun Mom! I love those pottery painting places. I registered for the reunion. I'll post a photo when I figure out how to do it!

missliss5/Melissa said...

You are inspring me to steal my kids out of school on Monday...your day sounds like it was a blast! (If you ignore all of the waiting and waiting!)