Friday, December 28, 2007

It's official...

my Tuesday nights are now booked for the entire year. Yep, I'm the proud new owner of 17 high maintenance Beehives (the 12-13 year olds at church). As if Cole didn't drain every ounce of energy from my weary body, I now have a bunch of tweens to keep me busy. I'm actually pretty excited about it. The YW presidency is brand new and so are all of the advisors. They're all really fun ladies and I'm looking forward to getting to know people--finally. I loved my 5 Primary girls, but I needed a little bit more than teaching Primary every other week. This ought to do the trick.

1 comment:

missliss5/Melissa said...

Yep, this ought to fill your "free time" just fine. The girls will totally love you! Have fun!