Wednesday, July 23, 2008

(Almost) Completed Roofing Job

Here is the finished roofing job (that's Rick and Lanny on the right with the dumpster nearly full that it feels like I filled 1/2 of myself!!)

I have a couple of things to say to some comments that were left on my earlier roofing post:
LeAnn...I don't know how in the world anyone could roof in Phoenix in 113 degrees.  It would kill me.
Melissa...I read your comments about Dan's roofing experience, I even made Rick read them and then we left for our roofing job.  On the way, Rick's phone rang and because he was driving he did the speaker phone thing.  It was Cameron Symonds.  He was trying to get ahold of Rick to see if he wanted to go fishing.  Rick said that he couldn't because of this little service project that we were headed to.  He explained what we were doing and Cameron said, "I've only had one experience with roofing.  It was in Cleveland.  It was terrible, hard work.  I had Dan Richards help me."  He went on to describe the misery of that roofing job.  And the last thing he said was that Dan taught him never to agree to haul the shingles up onto the roof yourself.  ALWAYS have them delivered to the roof.
I agree!!  Isn't that funny?   


missliss5/Melissa said...

Hahahah! That is SUCH a coincidence! I had completely forgotten that Dan helped them with their roof! Oh my gosh, I'll have to have Dan read your blog. He'll crack up remembering. You guys totally rock---nice work on the roof. Just think, in 10 years you can do it again... Ok...maybe not. But if you did at least you wouldn't have to tear off the shingles this time! Are you sore? I'd be half dead I'm sure.

Carroll Family said...

Great job!!! That's too funny that Cameron called! Do they have a blog?