Sunday, April 15, 2012

Kindy 500

This was an event at Cole's school for the Kindergarteners.
They got to design a cardboard box into a car (at home) to drive around the school and visit Historical places of interest.
This is the car that Cole & Rick designed.
Had I been in charge it would have not been so fancy.
The actual title of this car is:  "police TRUCK".
There were other police cars there, but Cole's was the only truck, just so we're all clear on that.

The view from the back with his name and Mississippi license plate.
I thought we Rick went a little over board with the details but there were kids that had headlights that turned on, horns that worked, even some airplanes.  What a bunch of overachievers with way too much time on their hands!!

Notice Cole sitting on the back row.  They are watching a demonstration about Eagles/Birds of Prey.
As I went around with Cole's group for the day, I noticed that he ALWAYS sits in the back.  ALWAYS on his knees.  No wonder the knees on every single pair of pants has a big whole!!
Mt. Rushmore.  They each got to draw their faces on the mountain.  
Cole drew his name and a little stick man that looks like he's lifting weights or something.

When they learned about Abe Lincoln, they got to do a little experiment with pennies.
I love it watch his quiet, determined look his face like this.
It doesn't happen very often.  But he was really digging this penny activity.


Carroll Family said...

Such a COOL idea!!!

Carroll Family said...

Such a COOL idea!!!

Amara said...

When kai did this activity he designed his OWN car --all him: scribbling with a red marker on a box. The end. wait, I think I stuck some paper plates on the corners for wheels for him. Meanwhile Audrey spent a week on Isaac's. Guess what? Kai didn't care. :)