Friday, November 9, 2007

Happy Halloween

Well, it's been a few years now since summer was 2 years old and we went through our Scooby Doo phase, but what is old is new again. Scooby Doo is back!! So, we decided to do the Scooby theme for Halloween. I ordered the Scooby costume from ebay back in September. Cole was a little bit disturbed by the giant Scooby Doo hanging in his closet, but he warmed up to it in time for Halloween. (thank goodness, I would have hated trying to fit one of the girls into that toddler sized costume) So, I started looking on ebay for a Daphne costume. I did indeed find several, however none of them contained enough fabric to actually cover a 10 year olds body sufficiently. So, against my own better judgment I decided that I could easily sew a Daphne costume. Picture me: Rick is working day and night, Cole has several sleepness nights thanks to a lovely bout of croup, and I start a sewing project which I cannot leave unfinished. I am a mental case trying to finish a Daphne costume during Cole's nap one afternoon after about 84 ounces of Diet Dr. Pepper. Needless to say, the seems aren't necessarily even or smooth or anything like the darn picture on the pattern. By the time I got around to the skirt I just grabbed 2 pieces of purple fabric and sewed them together.
And then there's Sierra's costume. Bless her sweet little heart. She agreed to wear an entire costume picked up easily in one quick trip to Walmart. She agreed to wear the sweater once a week for the rest of the winter. And then after the big day, was so thrilled with her outfit, asked if she could be Velma again next year. I sure love that girl.

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