Sunday, May 4, 2008

Eating veggiess

This was Sierra a few days ago as I was trying to get her to eat some cauliflower.  I think her plan was that if she was dramatic enough to make Cole laugh until he spewed Cauliflower across the kitchen that she would somehow get out of eating her veggies.  Guess what?  It didn't work.  It was a long night.  She finished all of her veggies.
But, the real story is this...
I have been trying to do the good mom thing and be involved in my children's lives.  You know, asking questions that require more than just yes/no answers.  Eating dinner together.  Less TV.  Asking the kids about their day.  Well, with Summer it's easy.  She just comes home and gives me a play by play of every event, every conversation, every minute detail until I want to scream.  Not Sierra.  I have to pry information from that child.  She'd rather skip home from school the long way, find a bug to play with and then sit at the kitchen counter and draw for 2 hours while I cook dinner.  So, we had a conversation last week that went like this:
Me:  Sierra, how was your day?
S:  Fine.
Me:  Did you do anything special at school?
S:  No.
Me:  Tell me about your day.
S:  It was a regular day, then I went to  Miss Day's class.
Me:  (I've never hear of Miss Day)  Oh, who is Miss Day?
S:  She's the gifted teacher.
Me:  (proud of my little smarty pants!!)  Oh, Sierra that's neat that they moved you into the gifted class.  I'm so excited for you.  That will be so much fun.
S:  Mom, I've been going to that class all year.

Hum, so much for the daily questions, Maybe I should consider just calling her teacher after school each day to find out what's going on with Sierra.   


missliss5/Melissa said...

Hahaha! I'm totally busting up over that! Sounds like Veronica when I ask her about school. Some things she'll go on and on about, but not school. To every question I ask she pulls out, "I don't remember."

Carroll Family said...

This is Erin and Ethan!!! With Erin I knew every kid in the class and everything they did. With Ethan I didn't have a clue who he even played with or what his teacher was like because he never said anything!