Monday, October 26, 2015

Halloween 2015

Well, we did it again.  Another Halloween Party in the books.  We opened it up to the entire ward again this year.  Here is the dessert table.  Audrey provided 150 cupcakes.  I didn't think that there would be enough, but I managed to find 5 leftover cupcakes to take to my Sunday School class.  #score
Last year we provided hot dogs and bun.  This year we did potluck soup.  It was a little risky, but I can say that the neighborhood stepped it up this year and really delivered.  Lots of yummy food.
Amara brought a soup and corn bread.
I made 4 loaves of bread, too.
Here's the bish and bish wife:
Kelli, Audrey, and Amara.

The firepit turned out to be a great draw this year even though the weather was PERFECT!!