Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Last spring when we were getting ready for our Easter Egg Hunt

Hollyhocks are kinda like weeds to me right now, but I sure do like this color.

Hooee in the flower bed just before the peonies started to bloom.

Cole and Tag hanging out in the garden.  Tag would eat the nasty rolly-pollies.

One day I asked Sierra to pick a zucchini.  She texted me this picture and asked which one.

This bowl has lettuce, cilantro, poblano peppers, onion, and tomatillos in it.
Added to rice and garlic to make a tasty/hot green rice dish for dinner.

Cole was helping to bring in the squash harvest a few weeks ago.  Summer said, "Looks like the Grimm Reaper dropped some zucchini."

This was the overflowing cucumber & pumpkin patch.  I got A LOT of cucumbers this year, they just didn't ripen on the days that were convenient for me to can them into pickles.

The pepper and tomato plants.  We had lots & lots of peppers this year.

And finally the beets.  It is hard work to pickle beets.  Good thing nobody else at my house likes them because it was such hard work, I really don't want to share them.

1 comment:

Amara said...

Summer's comment cracks me up. You had a bumper crop year didn't you? Not so much on the other side of the fence.