OK, so we had to finish up our health until for school. We had a few random things to do and one of them was to talk about rules. A suggestion was to take photos of different traffic signs and talk about laws and rules and how they apply to each of us. It was fun. And Summer got to use her new camera she got for her birthday...
So, we took all of the pictures and downloaded them to Walmart one hour photo so we could pick them up and make a little photo book for our activity. I decided that it would be OK to do double duty and count some of this stuff for Family Home Evening. I love it when I multitask!! So, for FHE, I talked about the random things we needed to check off the Safety List for Health, like Stranger Danger, fire escape plan, vehicle safety rules, seat belts, how to call 911 and family rules. Rick wrapped up with gun safety. It's something that you always think that you need to teach your kids, but then you never really get around to doing it. Well, we did it tonight. Thanks Rick. Now, we just need to remember to do it again soon so we don't all forget what we learned.
While I was fixing dinner this afternoon Cole came in the kitchen and asked me if he could take the training wheels off his bike and I said, "Not today!" So, he asked Summer if she would take the training wheels off his and and darn her, she did. That over achiever.
So, this was what I saw about 30 minutes later:
And speaking of bike safety, this kid can have his naughty moments, like 3 hours every Sunday Morning from 9 to say, about 12. But, bless his heart...every time he gets on that bike he puts on his helmet. I'm glad he does because that thing is dented in and scraped over every corner of it. I guess I can say that it was money well spent.
And speaking of money well spent...
I thrifted today. It was awesome. The green bowl and orange plates are Fiesta and the little top two are Pyrex refrigerator dishes that match the set of 4 bowls that I have wanted FOREVER and Rick got them for me for Mother's Day this year. So, for $3.50 I got me some good old stuff. Sierra thought the orange plates were adorable and asked me if she could have my Fiestaware when I died. I don't know if that is a complement or she just wants me dead. But, I do know that I have said the same thing to my mother, so I think it is a compliment and it means that I have good junk.
AND, I went to the dr. today and he said my foot is healing perfectly (I've heard that one before), but the pin is not quite ready to come out of my toe. It needs a couple more weeks. I will save the pictures and lengthy explination for another post, since I'm about to outdo myself.
Wow, what a busy day. And I think the peach crisp that is in the oven is about ready so I best be done.