My heart goes out to those people I saw on the Weather Channel this morning who were evacuating New Orleans. Will their lives ever be the same? What will they go home to next week when the storm is over. Will they lose loved ones and all of their possessions as the storm rolls through?
Sorry for the Mormon insights here, but the only thing I can relate it to is being a missionary. Being a missionary is life changing. Giving up 2 years of your life to serve God 24 hours a day. It changes a person. It makes them better. They come home a different person. They still want to serve 24 hours a day. They want to change everyone else--make them better, too. But gradually reality sets in, work happens, school happens, and missionaries turn in to every day people, too. They forget the stories, the lessons learned, and how they wanted to change the world. Until they are reminded of what they experienced and what they felt and what they did about it.
So, this little 3 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina I will watch the news. I will think of my Mississippi friends and even my New Orleans friends. I will pray for them. And I will remember. I will remember what I learned from Hurrican Katrina and the people who died and the people who still suffer. I will pray for them. And I will remember the people effected by Hurricane Gustav and I will pray for them. I will remember and I will do better.